Tag Archives: Evolutionary Computation

ROS-Gazebo for Evolutionary Robotics: Stepping the World Pt. 2.5

This post is meant as a follow-on for part 2 and documents some of the differences that I encountered trying to give control of simulation stepping to ROS-based code itself.  Since ROS and Gazebo are technically separate, I was trying to find a way to create a ROS piece of code to communicate with the Gazebo plugin that I’d been using to step the simulation.  After quite a bit of reading, it appears that it may not be possible, or simply prohibitively difficult.  Therefore, this blog post documents an alternate solution that I plan to use in the blog posts and code going forward.  Code for this blog post can be found here

General Approach:

Rather than employ the gazebo plugin from previous entries, all code now resides in one C++ file.  We’ll declare both a ROS node to get the simulation time and report it to the terminal and also a gazebo node to actually handle the stepping of the simulation.  Note: There are a few changes to the launch file in this example too so please use the accompanying world_step.launch rather than the version from previous posts.

Code Breakdown:

The primary file to look at is /src/world_step/ros_get_world_time.cpp:

#include <math.h>

#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>

#include <gazebo/gazebo.hh>
#include <gazebo/common/Plugin.hh>
#include <gazebo/msgs/msgs.hh>
#include <gazebo/transport/transport.hh>

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <ros/subscribe_options.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
 ros::init(argc, argv, "get_world_time_test");

 // Gazebo WorldControl Topic
 gazebo::transport::NodePtr node(new gazebo::transport::Node());

 // Initialize the ROSNode
 ros::NodeHandle* rosnode = new ros::NodeHandle();
 gazebo::transport::PublisherPtr pub = node->Advertise<gazebo::msgs::WorldControl>("~/world_control");
 // Waits for simulation time update.
 ros::Time last_ros_time_;
 bool wait = true;
 while (wait)
 last_ros_time_ = ros::Time::now();
 std::cout << "\t\t\t Attempted getting sim time: " << last_ros_time_ << std::endl;

 if (last_ros_time_.toSec() > 0)
 //wait = false;
 std::cout << "Current Simulation Time: " << last_ros_time_ << std::endl;
 // Publish the step message for the simulation.
 gazebo::msgs::WorldControl msg;
 // Wait for 1 second and allow ROS to complete as well.


 return 0;

As you can see from the code, we initially setup the gazebo and ROS nodes in lines 19-26.  Lines 28-38 are similar to those of previous examples simply getting the current simulation time and printing it to the terminal.  The main change from previous examples are in lines 40-47.  Instead of waiting on a Gazebo plugin, this code implements the world stepping code directly in the while loop.  The next two lines then simply wait one second before proceeding with stepping.

Moving Forward:

With this setup, I now plan to use this loop to setup the basic framework for conducting simulations for a set amount of time.

ROS-Gazebo for Evolutionary Robotics: Stepping the World Pt. 2

After setting up controlled simulation stepping in a pure Gazebo environment (here), we’ll now move towards integrating the plugin in a ROS-Gazebo simulation.  For this post, the codebase for the plugin is unchanged and only a few lines of code are needed to get this working.  You can find the source for this post here.

There are two tutorials I recommend reading through.  The first covers the basics of using Gazebo plugins with ROS while the second provides a better overview of integrating Gazebo plugins with ROS.

Step the World with ROS

The code needed to integrate our plugin from the previous post requires the following insertion/modifications.

Insert the following line into the package.xml file located in src/world_step/ between the export tags:

<gazebo_ros plugin_path="${prefix}/lib" gazebo_media_path="${prefix}"/>

Add/modify the following lines to your CMakelists.txt located in src/world_step/:

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS

find_package(gazebo REQUIRED)

include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR} ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${GAZEBO_INCLUDE_DIRS})


add_library(world_step src/plugins/world_step.cc)
target_link_libraries(world_step ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${GAZEBO_LIBRARIES})

These two changes should be all that’s needed to build the plugin from the previous example, provided you correctly move the world_step.cc file into this project of course.

Launching the environment requires you to build the project using the following:

source devel/setup.sh

The enter the following command to start ROS-Gazebo:

roslaunch world_step world_step.launch

If all goes well, you should see something like the image below with the iterations and simulation time corresponding to each other and updating roughly every second of real world time.  In the terminal where you called roslaunch you should see the repeating message “Publishing OnUpdate.” which is printed each time the simulation is stepped.

Adding the OnUpdate() call allows for stepping a Gazebo simulation while using ROS as well. The iterations, simulation time, and real time show that the simulation is being stepped once every second of real time.

Adding the OnUpdate() call allows for stepping a Gazebo simulation while using ROS as well. The iterations, simulation time, and real time show that the simulation is being stepped once every second of real time.

Future Extensions

Now that we can step the world programmatically, the next steps are to integrate logic to start and terminate a simulation after a set amount of time and begin writing the evolutionary framework to launch many simulations.

D3.js for Evolutionary Plotting: Animated Scatterplot

D3.js is a Javascript library that allows for data driven documents, according to the website http://d3js.org/.  You can find an astounding number of examples using D3.js covering a wide variety of topics.  However, when building the Evolve-a-Robot website, one of our central goals was to communicate the evolutionary process live.  This meant that rather than generate plots after evolution had completed, as is often the case for offline evolutionary experiments, we wanted instead to connect the live simulation of a robot with its performance in the population.

The initial scatterplot conveys the fitness of each individual in a population only after the simulation has concluded.

The initial scatterplot conveys the fitness of each individual in a population only after the simulation has concluded.

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Bash Scripts, Python, SSH and Screen: Keeping Your Jobs Alive!

I recently ran into an interesting situation that required me to run a Python script repeatedly with different inputs on a remote server.  Of course, with any SSH session, there is always the possibility of a timeout which would kill any running jobs.  Normally, I would simply deploy a program and use an & at the end of the command, allowing the job to run in the background even after I logged out of my SSH session.  Seeing that I had multiple scripts to run, and could simply adjust my inputs with a for loop, I created a bash script that repeatedly called my Python code.  This was pretty straightforward and I deployed the script with an & before logging out of my SSH session to let the job complete.

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